Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Source of Life

Before time God exists, outside of time and above time. In a timeless, mysterious space, He made the worlds, the heavens and all that is within them, planned them with his Word and Spirit and initiating time, established the laws which govern the physical world. These laws we discover, re-discover in science and philosophy, in visions, in prayers and dreams, alter in our imaginations and distort in our minds. Nevertheless, there they are!

Who would create worlds and laws to govern them, and then abandon them? Certainly not the Unique Creator. Therefore, God is also the Source of Life. "Understanding is a well-spring of life" says Solomon (Proverbs 16:22). The Giver and Sustainer of Life, Wisdom of the Father, seeks to give light and feeling, warmth and growth, joy and wisdom to his Creation, namely to humankind, in whom He placed his Spirit and fashioned in his image and likeness. This life extends beyond the physical body, stemming from God Himself and leading back to Him, in his ineffable Glory, light and eternal being. Thus, as Source of Life, God reveals his glory to man, this quality of God - Source of life, thus stands out as vital and important. In it man knows spiritual life, the ultimate calling of creation, and our daily struggle for life-giving bread and replenishing water. The well-spring of reason - a fountain of life.